Name of best practice
(Type of entity implementing the initiative)
University (Universitat de Valencia)
Conduct informative talks on biological and cross-cutting topics: Gender, Sex and Sexuality: A Perspective psychosociobiolygic
(youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+, schools, labour market)
Kind of intervention
5. other: informative talks
Promoting students to become critically minded
Description of the implementation
Develop talks (about 50 minutes) interactive with students on different topics related to biology (
With the talks we approach biological topics in schools clearly and with the use of active methodologies.
At the end of each of the talks open a debate with the students on the proposed topic and answer the questions that arise.
This combats misinformation and brings a series of basic notions for establishing a map conceptually clear in relation to different identities (With a psychosociobiological perspective).
These are: sexuality, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, counselling relational, biological sex and LGTBI + phobia.
Resources needed to implementation
Contact with
Fill out a form to request the talk, they are only available in Spanish or Valencian.
Results of implementation
The project has just begun, its implementation has not yet been evaluated.
The willingness on the part of trainers and schools or universities
Social and cultural barriers in some countries
Reference website of Best Practice Xarrad/Aps:
TITLE: Gender, sex and sexuality: a psychosociobiològic perspective
ABSTRACT: We live in a society based on a binary sex-gender system (both rest on a construction and a cultural understanding), which creates a normative social practice that ends up to section everything that escapes this construction.
In order to combat disinformation, we consider it appropriate to bring to the classroom a series of basic notions to establish a clear conceptual map in relation to the different identities (with a psychosociobiological perspective). These are: sexuality, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, relational orientation, biological sex and LGTBI + phobia.
EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: The recommended level for this talk is the second cycle of ESO (3rd and 4th) and baccalaureate, although it can be adapted to another level with prior notice.
DURATION: The duration of the talk is about 1 hour, although if you have more time, you can make it longer (1 hour and a half).
Link to video about XarradAps: Basic concepts (sex, gender and sexuality):