Name of best practice

Proud Futures – The Proud Trust


(Type of entity implementing the initiative)

Charitable Organisation (funded by the EU European Social Fund).



Professional development course targeted at youth aged 16 – 25 not currently in work, education and training


(youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+, schools, labour market)

Youth LGBTI+ (16 – 25)


Kind of intervention

1. (training and/or group workshops)



A programme tailored around the needs and skills of LGBTQI+ young people designed to help them to develop skills and knowledge needed to secure meaningful work, education or other opportunities. The scheme particularly targeted minority ethnic LGBT populations and those with a visible or invisible disability


Description of the implementation

A programme tailored around the needs and skills of LGBTQI+ young people designed to help them to develop skills and knowledge needed to secure meaningful work, education or other opportunities. The scheme particularly targeted minority ethnic LGBT populations and those with a visible or invisible disability


Resources needed to implementation

Youth workers to run and lead the sessions

Access to LGBTQI+ employers as mentors


Results of implementation

To be confirmed, scheme currently running.



Support of any NGOs with the necessary staff to mentor young people



Finding LGBTQIA+ employers as mentors


Reference website of Best Practice Proud Futures: Website