Name of best practice


(Type of entity implementing the initiative)

Charitable entity



A job sourcing website specifically targeted at recruiting LGBT employees


(youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+, schools, labour market)

Labour market

youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+


Kind of intervention

Advertise job postings on the website.



A publicly accessible jobs noticeboard specifically targeting LGBTQI+ employees


Description of the implementation

A recruitment website specifically targeting LGBTQI populations. In order to be able to advertise job postings on the website, recruitment materials are vetted and approved for their accessibility and consideration of sexual and gender minority employees. Employers are each vetted to ensure that they meet minimum thresholds around their advertisements and internal policies and procedures


Resources needed to implementation

Staff to consider submissions from employers, website design and management skills


Results of implementation

A single, publicly available resource where LGBTQI+ people are able to seek out employment opportunities assured that the employers recognise and value equality and diversity for their staff.



Involvement and commitment of some NGOs and companies

Enough politicians willing to support



Create ​the infrastructure itself

Absence of cooperation of enough companies


Reference website of Best Practice: Website