Name of best practice

EMIDIS – Empresas por la Diversidad (Companies for Diversity)


(Type of entity implementing the initiative)

FELGTB – Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Trans y Bisexuales

(National Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans and Bisexuals)



Improving companies’ strategies to deal with and enhance LGTBQ+ diversity in the workplace.


(youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+, schools, labour market)

Labour market, companies.


Kind of intervention

1. training and/or group workshops

4. training for professionals

5. other



The main objective of the EMIDIS program is to provide useful tools for companies to adequately promote and support sexual and gender diversity in a work environment.


Description of the implementation

Diagnostic report for companies: Companies receive a report containing feedback on their performance regarding LGBT diversity management, as well as an individualized improvement plan.

Consultancy: EMIDIS provides support and advice for companies on any topic related to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Training: A training event is held at each company once a year (some of the topics of this session are sensitization on LGBT diversity, LGBT prejudice prevention, human resources management from a LGBT perspective, etc.)

Corporate volunteering program: Volunteering program aimed at actively involving employees in EMIDIS projects.

Internal and external communications: Communication strategies both within the company and through social media platforms.

Reputation/Visibility: Participant companies are allowed to use the EMIDIS logo in their internal reports. Also, their corporative logos are included in EMIDIS publications.

Networking events: Annual EMIDIS event and invitation to FELGTB events.

Free access to FELGTB information and documentation


Resources needed to implementation

Human resources for:

  1. Diagnostic report for companies
  2. Provide support and advice for companies on any topic related to sexual orientation or gender identity
  3. Experts on LGBT diversity, LGBT-phobia prevention to give the training courses.
  4. Communication strategies


Results of implementation

Significant outreach and impact.

Some of the participant companies: Repsol, Netflix, Amazon, BBVA, IBM, Airbus, etc.



Cooperation of the chamber of commerce



Reach the companies


Reference website of Best Practice EMIDIS:


Link to video about Results of EMIDIS program:

Benefits of EMIDIS program: