Name of best practice
Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development
(Type of entity implementing the initiative)
Association (non-for-profit organisation)
Protection against discrimination and the development of diversity and equal opportunities
(youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+, schools, labour market)
No target groups specified. Diversity Charter is predominantly directed towards business sector.
Kind of intervention
5.Other:policy recommendations oriented to business sector
Develop diversity and non-discrimination policy, in order to develop an organizational culture based on mutual respect and appreciation of individual differences.
Develop a diverse work environment by encouraging the integration of employees of all profiles, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age and any other characteristics.
Develop the skills and competencies of management, employees responsible for human resources, training and career development, on the implementation of diversity and non-discrimination policy.
Use diversity and non-discrimination policy in hiring management to enable a better understanding of management decisions and be more open to innovative ideas with the aim of strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of the organization.
Develop awareness and educate employees about diversity policy.
Encourage the implementation of a diversity policy with customers and suppliers.
Develop and regularly update an action plan for the promotion of diversity and non-discrimination policies that will include measurable indicators, and in the development and implementation of which employees will be involved.
Annually report on the implementation of the diversity and non-discrimination policy, including the measures and internal procedures applied to achieve the objectives
Description of the implementation
The Association calls Croatian companies to sign the Diversity Charter and act accordingly.
No monitoring system has been found.
Resources needed to implementation
Not applicable.
Results of implementation
No public information was found.
It can be used as pinkwashing
Fostering benefits for companies with such plans
Lack of commitment by the different groups of employees (senior and middle positions, and the rest of the workers)
For small and medium-sized enterprises high cost of time
Reference website of Best Practice: Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development