Name of best practice
“Que no te brillen los prejuicios” campaign
(Type of entity implementing the initiative)
Médicos del Mundo.
Facilitating trans women’s access to the Spanish labour market.
(youth LGBTI+, adult LGBTI+, schools, labour market)
Labour market, companies.
Kind of intervention
5. other: publicity campaign
The main objective of the campaign was to reduce discrimination towards trans women trying to enter the labour market, hence enhancing their chances to be hired and/or promoted.
Description of the implementation
- A video spot was launched and advertised mainly through social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter).
- The hashtag #QueNoTeBrillenLosPrejuicios (Don’t let your prejudices shine through) was publicized for the advertisement of the campaign.
- Interested companies were encouraged to publish their current vacant or future job offers in a job bank for trans women created by the promoter NGO.
Resources needed to implementation
- Video shoot (in this case, an advertising company and a theatre company were contacted for this purpose)
- Social media platforms.
- Job bank creation.
Results of implementation
No information available yet.
Opportunity to identify with
Prospect of success in social media
Mind-set of society
Little interest in political circles to invest in
Reference website of Best Practice Que no te brillen los prejuicios:
Link to campaing: