Interactive Toolkit
Learning Platform
The aim of this lesson is to introduce you to the concepts of discrimination as a violation of human rights which can become apparent in myriad ways and can take numerous forms. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to define discrimination (direct and indirect), list the basis of discrimination, explain how discrimination can violate a person’s human rights and human dignity and recognize sex and gender as one of the basis for discrimination.
Discrimination continues to constitute a serious violation of human dignity and integrity. This is particularly true in cases of long-standing and recurrent discrimination. It can have even the most significant consequences in the form of threats to the life and health of the discriminated person.
Discrimination is extremely difficult to experience, but it is equally difficult to prove that it happened to the relevant authorities. In order to eliminate discrimination and help those who are discriminated against, the European Union, through directives, is trying to make the position of the discriminated person as easy as possible and to enable the discriminated person to point out this phenomenon and eliminate it.
The anti-discrimination legislation describes the grounds of discrimination (e.g. sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc.), the forms of discrimination (direct, indirect, harassment, sexual harassment, instruction to discriminate), but also the principle of the reversal of the burden of proof.
In order to recognise and combat discrimination, it is essential to know what all the above mentioned terms mean. In this lesson, you will find a description and explanation of them.
Below are selected materials from which you will get an insight into this topic. Explore materials in your language and/or in English and note information that is new to you.
In these videos, you will hear about individuals’ experiences of discrimination and how they have managed these. You will also be introduced to the concept of microaggressions and hear about different tactics that you can use to respond to these.
En el siguiente documento siguiente documento podrás conocer que es la discriminación. Fíjate en el apartado “Conceptos”. Verás lo que significa la homofobia y sus tipos: transfobia, LGBT+Q+ fobia, bifobia, lesbifobia y la intolerancia al género.
LGBTIQ+-Menschen werden leider immer noch vielerorts benachteiligt und diskriminiert. In diesem kurzen Video schildern junge Menschen, wo diese Diskriminierung überall auftreten kann, aber auch, was dagegen unternommen werden sollte. Im Anschluss daran finden Sie auf der Seite der Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft einen Überblick über die Situation von LGBT+Q+ -Menschen in Österreich, die im Alltag diskriminiert werden. Was aber ist Diskriminierung überhaupt? Und wo kann sie überall auftreten? Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Infos dazu.
Posledice diskriminacije su uvek teške. Nekada su očigledne, a nekada nisu ni vidljive. Zato su i opasne. Vrlo je važno informisati se o tome šta je diskriminacija, kako se ispoljava i kako utiče na osobu koja je trpi. Više ćete naći na linku u ovom članku.
Zakázaná diskriminácia je nezlučiteľná s ľudskými právami a ochranou ľudskej dôstojnosti. Diskriminovať nemožno z dôvodu napríklad pohlavia, rasy, farby pleti, príslušnosti k národnosti alebo etnickej skupine, rodu alebo sexuálnej orientácie. Základné právne otázky ohľadom podôb a foriem diskriminácie nájdeš tu a bližšie info ohľadom diskriminácie z dôvodu sexuálnej orientácie nájdeš tu.
Diskriminacija je nejednako postupanje prema osobi utemeljeno na nekoj njezinoj posebnoj karakteristici ili na više njih. Ta karatkeristika može biti spol, rasa, etničko podrijetlo, boja kože, nacionalno podrijetlo, vjera, političko ili drugo uvjerenje, članstvo u sindikatu, dob, spolna orijentacija, rodni identitet i izražavanje, invaliditet, zdravstveno stanje, imovina, socijalni status i sl.
Sljedeća publikacija nudi niz slikovitih i životnih primjera diskriminacije po svakoj od navedenih osnova. Također, važno je imati na umu kako diskriminacija može poprimiti niz oblika od kojih su nekih jasno vidljivi i osjetljivi dok su drugi suptilni i neizravni. Prouči oblike diskriminacije u drugom dijelu iste publikacije.