Interactive Toolkit
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The aim is to present to you the most common mechanisms of human rights protection. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to list key mechanisms of protection of human rights and identify appropriate and relevant mechanisms in your country.
States committed to respecting human rights have this stated in their constitutions or fundamental laws. They are also signatories to international treaties guaranteeing equal human rights standards.
Respect for human rights means that every state has an effective system of human rights protection through courts and other institutions at all levels.
Also, effective international human rights protection systems have been developed in some parts of the world. As mentioned in the previous lesson, 48 European countries are signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees the citizens of these countries that – after exhausting legal protection in their country – they can seek protection from the European Court of Human Rights. The judgments and opinions of the European Court of Human Rights are also guidelines for the courts of the signatory states to the Convention.
In addition to judicial protection, NGOs at all levels also play an important role in promoting human rights. These organizations inform citizens, provide legal protection, advocate for changes in the law and the legal framework, and closely monitor the human rights situation, about which they regularly report to the public in their reports.
In the materials posted below on the page, you will learn about human rights protection systems.
This video provides learners with an overview of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998. European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998 – Public Law
En este video se hace un breve resumen de los derechos humanos en la declaración universal, europeo y español. Mira los derechos humanos en el CAMPO EUROPEO (minuto 1:21). European convention on human rights. Convenio europeo de derechos humanos
Para saber más: Si quieres aprender y conocer el origen de la Convención y la Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos, organismos que protegen los Derechos Humanos y sobre sus sentencias. Las que consagran principios, las que interpretan o reinterpretan los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales garantizados por el Convenio. Hay sentencias que inventan, forjan las grandes nociones del derecho europeo, las autonomizan y después las conjugan entre ellas. Fíjate en este video.
Was sind eigentlich Menschenrechte und seit wann gibt es sie? Dieses kurze Video fasst die Entwicklung und Geschichte der Menschenrechte zusammen. Aber wer schützt die Menschenrechte eigentlich? In Österreich ist das u.a. die Volksanwaltschaft. Mehr Infos finden Sie unter diesem Link.
Srbija poseduje dosta dobro napisan Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije. Veliki problem predstavlja jako mali broj prijavljenih slučajeva, tj. veliki broj diskriminisanih se odlučuje da ne prijavi slučaj. Razlozi su različiti ali kao i za sve za šta se LGBT+Q+ zajednica borila, tako se moramo izboriti i za primenu ovog zakona jer on može uticati na povećanje svesti i obezbeđivanje bezbednog i inkluzivnog radnog okruženja.
Kod nas postoji i institucija namenjena zaštiti ravnopravnosti i zove se Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, a kako je vodi žena poznata je kao Poverenica.
Dodržiavanie ľudských práv je povinnosťou každého demokratického a právneho štátu. Ten musí mať vytvorený efektívny systém ochrany ľudských práv. Vo všeobecnosti systémy ochrany ľudských práv a ich popis nájdeš v tomto článku. Informácie však nájdeš aj na stránkach relevantných inštitúcií ako napríklad na stránkach Slovenského národného strediska pre ľudské práva alebo verejného ochrancu práv.
Svaka demokratska država koja se ustavom – temeljnim zakonom svake države – obvezala na poštivanje ljudskih prava ima određeni sustav zaštite ljudskih prava
U ovom videu ćeš ponoviti glavne pojmove vezane za ljudska prava te se upoznati s glavnim institucijama u Hrvatskoj koje su zadužene za zaštitu ljudskih prava. Popis ostalih institucija zaduženih za zaštitu ljudskih prava nalaze se u ovom članku, a popis nevladinih organizacija u Hrvatskoj se nalaze na ovoj poveznici.